Sunday, July 15, 2007

Spanish Rice and Carob Fudge Cake

On Friday night, I made Spanish Rice with Fresh Cilantro from Mother Nature's Garden by Florence Bienenfeld, and Sauteed Green Beans with Mushrooms from VwaV. One of my mom's coworkers brought vegetables from his garden to work to share, so my mom took some of his green beans. I didn't know what to do with them, so we decided to make the green beans and mushrooms because we also had some mushrooms. I just left out the wine and used more vegetable broth. Both dishes were pretty good.

On Friday I also baked this Carob Fudge Cake from the All Creatures website. Oh my god... this cake is so delicious! It tastes like it is so bad for you! But guess what? It's not! It has no refined sugar, oil or white flour! It's sweetened with bananas and dates, and the only fat comes from the peanut butter in the frosting. The only bad thing about it is that it's very hard to stop eating it! I finished it this morning. Fortunately I didn't eat the whole thing myself! I had help from my parents, who thoughly enjoyed it. If you make it, only make half of the frosting though. I only had about 3/4 cup of carob powder, so I only made half the frosting, and there was plenty of frosting. I'm glad I didn't make the full amount because that would have been way too much! I didn't get a picture of the inside of the cake after it was cut because my camera suddenly stopped working correctly, but there's a picture on the All Creatures website.


Rose said...

The cake looks so good, I need to check the recipe out so I can make it too!

Anonymous said...

that cake looks delicious. and probably is healthier than most cakes i make. i'll have to try it soon!

Peggy said...

Those green beans look so yummy :) And I that cake recipe sounds real good AND real healthy! Woohoo!

(thanks for putting my link up, too! I really like your blog so you've earned yourself a spot on my list ;)